Screaming at the Party, Like Tears in the Rain
2023.12.31—2024.2.4inner flow Gallery 北京
Magical Modern
2023.12.31—2024.2.25沪申画廊 Space & Gallery Association 上海
Jing Kewen: Modern Love
2023.12.30—2024.3.3松美术馆 Song Art Museum 北京
Li Qing: Pose Beauty
Rear Wave: New Faces of New Painting
2023.12.30—2024.2.20玉兰堂 Line Gallery 北京
Jumping Frog
2023.12.30—2024.2.25拾萬空间 Hunsand Space 北京
Wang Ximin: Riveting Rapids
2023.12.30—2024.2.1拾萬空间 Hunsand Space 北京
Wang Xiyao: Touching The Invisible
Tian Longyu: Backlighting
2023.12.29—2024.3.17昊美术馆 How Art Museum 上海
Feng Zhijia: The Birth of Sequence