马凌画廊是一家由江馨玲和爱德华·马凌于2010年成立的香港商业画廊,曾用英文名称为 Edouard Malingue Gallery。画廊致力为国际新晋和著名当代艺术家发展批判性艺术计划。与画廊紧密合作的艺术家将审美关注与观念性探索相结合,创作包括影像、装置、绘画和声音在内的多样艺术实践。
Kiang Malingue is a Hong Kong based commercial gallery founded by Lorraine Kiang and Edouard Malingue. Formerly known as Edouard Malingue Gallery, this initiative was founded in 2010 to build a critical dialogue between international contemporary artists, both emerging and established, who combine aesthetic concern with conceptual enquiry, and work across different disciplines from video and installation, to painting and sound.
Sik On Street Space: 10 Sik On Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Tin Wan Space: 12/F & 13/F, Blue Box Factory Building, 25 Hing Wo Street, Aberdeen, Hong Kong